Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tape Timer
They wanted a timer that would be activated when the operator picks up the tape, and deactivated when the operator puts it back.
So I used a make controller, and a sparkfun LCD screen to do the job. I built some firmware that would do the timing. I connected a light sensor so that when light was detected in the holder, the timer would start, and then stop when it went dark. See it in action below!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Live Floor
Here is the make controller with the receiver Xbee in place, I may look into another option for receiving the packets, possibly one of the USB xbee adapters from Sparkfun, but for now, this works.
Anywho. We then mounted it onto a prototype Assembly board that we built.
It has the 2 holders for the harness connectors. So the way it works is that when the operator is there, the movement is picked up and also as each piece is approved, a message is sent back to the receiver that talks to the PC and database.
I wrote some software that would juggle the information around a bit and keep track of things. I'll write some more about that next time.
Spoiler Alert! Barbie makes a special guest appearance...
Tape Timer
Right now I've got a serial cable running out from the controller that goes to the computer (which shows the time). Next week I'll be getting a little LCD screen that will show the time.
Here is the serial signal coming out of hyperterminal:
So, next i'll add this little gem here, when i get it, and we'll be rolling: